The Book of Barrels
The Book of Barrels is an illustrated catalogue of the barrels that Samson, The Legendary Surfing Sasquatch, has encountered in nature throughout the centuries. Released annually in the form of an NFT collection with a physical book counterpart, the catalogue is divided into volumes, each of which features 50 unique barrels.
Each Barrel NFTs grants a one-time access to claim a Legendary Collector’s edition physical copy, of which only 50 exist.
Volume 1 is now sold out. But you can still purchase a barrel on the secondary market and claim a collector’s edition book when our online store opens this Fall.
Collector Benefits
Legendary edition Book
Each NFT grants you the ability to order a physical book from a special hand-made edition of only 50. For free!
Meaningful contribution
12% of primary sales were donated to CONMAR, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving marine ecosystems in Ecuador.
Surfing Sasquatch Free mint
Owning a barrel NFT will grant you 1 free mint from our Surfing Sasquatch collection.
Claim your Book!
Example product title
Hand-made collector's edition, made exclusively for Barrels NFT holders.
Free to claim for barrel NFT collectors
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